Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Helpful Mr Y

I have had a cassette stuck in my car radio for months now. Yes, I still have a cassette radio in my car. Awhile ago when my mum was borrowing my car, she decided to listen to some 'Hottest Hits Volume 1' and well somehow the tape got stuck. Since then we have not been able to listen to the radio at all, so I have been forced to entertain Mr Y with my singing. I am not sure if this is the reason but last night Mr Y decided he would try and fix it.

All was going okay until he had to take apart a large piece of my dash board to remove the radio. Now I love him, but I have to admit that I did not have complete faith in his ability. All was going well until he brought my radio inside and was poking and proding it trying to get the tape out. He then informs me that we can never listen to another cassette again oh and he may have stopped the radio from working aswell.

So...the reason you're trying to fix it would be???

So there he was trying really hard to get the tape out and to my surprise, it worked. My car was in bits but at least the tape was out =). He then went back to the car, put the radio back in and reassembled the dash. He then could not get the face back onto the radio. He used all sorts of things to push it back on. He then tried something else and it snapped in two...I was fine with it being something useless, however what did Mr Y use?...my car key.

No radio and no way to get to work tomorrow. Luckily mum had a spare key and I was able to get her copy this morning before work. The radio went back in without a face on it, possibly never to work again.

Right now Mr Y is outside fixing the radio, my dash is off but the radio once again has a face.

Mr Y has just walked in...job done AND I now have a working radio.

I wonder what he would do if I decided to play some hottest hits...?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Psst..I have the stuff

When I arrived home from work, Mr Y had linked a news story to me. Normally he does find all the strange stories in all the spare time he has.

I had to share this one though...

The story is about a cucumber heist..yes, someone is stealing cucumbers from various places. I'm not quite sure what the motive is, perhaps someone who holds a grudge against cucumbers. Perhaps it is all vegetables in general. Perhaps it is someone who doesn't have a green thumb...

I would really like to know what they are doing with all the cucumbers. Where are they? In a carpark of a supermarket peddling cheaper stolen cucumbers????

Check it out here

Monday, July 27, 2009

Mamma Mia!

I have found a new way of annoying Mr Y....watching Mamma Mia! I know he's trying to ignore it and play his playstation but you can't avoid the music! I see him rolling his eyes every now and again and every so often, he gets a little smirk of amusement.

I have to say, I love this movie. It is so over the top that it's hilarious. Pierce Brosnan really should never be allowed to sing!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Moving? argh!?!?!

I am tired of the packing and moving furniture! I think it would just be easier to pick up our unit and move it to the new neighbourhood.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Baby Fever

We organised a Friday night dinner with a bunch of friends, most who were there, I went to High School with. Mr Y has been missing food from back home, so we decided that we would find a restaurant that served Middle Eastern food. (Beautiful restaurant actually and great Medditeranean/Middle Eastern food, check it out http://www.byblos.net.au/index.php)

We were just on dessert when my friend of 15 years leans over and passes me this little white piece of paper. I open it up and there is this little black and white 'ink blot' shall we say, that resembles a baby. Well I was so excited, another friend of mine is having a baby. Due in January, which means a hot summer pregnancy, so I feel for the girl but I am so happy for her.

Well until we hear her lovely story about the ultra sound.

Apparently she did not know she had to drink plenty of water before it, so the doctor had to take the picture in another, more creative way. I wish that these were the words she used, however we were lucky enough to hear graphic details.

Mr Y is now of course worried that I will be pushing for a baby. Is it so hard to believe that I am really happy for my friends who are pregnant and not actually want a little bundle of my own...yet?

Monday, June 22, 2009

What baby..?!?

Mr Y was putting away my washing. He had just put away my underwear and turns to me with Winnie the Pooh pilchers.

Mr Y: umm, what are these?
Me: a nappy (couldn't think of the word at the time and I WAS reading a book)
Mr Y: Yuck.
He drops it to the floor
Me: No it's not a nappy nappy, it's pilchers
Mr Y: What is a pilcher and why do we need one?
Me: It's what you put on a baby after you have put on a nappy.
Mr Y: WHAT baby?????
I turned away and smiled...I love doing that to him.

Mr Y: WHAT BABY?????

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Teaching Mr Y

Okay so Mr Y went out and got his Learners Driving Licence. Him, having never driven before I was a little reluctant to take him out. I have only been driving since 2004 myself and though I am a teacher, it appears I might not be as good with adults. I am not quite sure about how I am supposed to teach him but I think we are getting better.

The first time I took him in the car, it was on a public holiday in a deserted carpark. It involved mainly a little gasping (not in the good way), holding on to the dash board and 'umm curb', 'umm pole'. This made him state that he can not possibly drive and look at the same time...I foresee some problems.

The second time I let him drive out onto the side streets. Much better...until he decided that "BRAKE" was not specific enough in directions. I shouted, for the first time...though maybe not my finest point...I was scared and I think that is a good enough defence. This time it did end up in an argument and it seemed we weren't even arguing about the same thing.

The third time...Today.

Much Much Better. We decided on a few code words to remind him to actually look...like 'Check your blind spot honey' became "BS!". I am never allowed to shout apparently even if we are careening towards a fence/curb/dog/person. I am to say calmly that maybe just perhaps he may want to brake. We'll see how that works out.

I have to give credit where it is due. For a person who has never driven before to improve so fast, is amazing. I'm really happy for him, could even say proud.