Sunday, June 28, 2009

Baby Fever

We organised a Friday night dinner with a bunch of friends, most who were there, I went to High School with. Mr Y has been missing food from back home, so we decided that we would find a restaurant that served Middle Eastern food. (Beautiful restaurant actually and great Medditeranean/Middle Eastern food, check it out

We were just on dessert when my friend of 15 years leans over and passes me this little white piece of paper. I open it up and there is this little black and white 'ink blot' shall we say, that resembles a baby. Well I was so excited, another friend of mine is having a baby. Due in January, which means a hot summer pregnancy, so I feel for the girl but I am so happy for her.

Well until we hear her lovely story about the ultra sound.

Apparently she did not know she had to drink plenty of water before it, so the doctor had to take the picture in another, more creative way. I wish that these were the words she used, however we were lucky enough to hear graphic details.

Mr Y is now of course worried that I will be pushing for a baby. Is it so hard to believe that I am really happy for my friends who are pregnant and not actually want a little bundle of my own...yet?

Monday, June 22, 2009

What baby..?!?

Mr Y was putting away my washing. He had just put away my underwear and turns to me with Winnie the Pooh pilchers.

Mr Y: umm, what are these?
Me: a nappy (couldn't think of the word at the time and I WAS reading a book)
Mr Y: Yuck.
He drops it to the floor
Me: No it's not a nappy nappy, it's pilchers
Mr Y: What is a pilcher and why do we need one?
Me: It's what you put on a baby after you have put on a nappy.
Mr Y: WHAT baby?????
I turned away and smiled...I love doing that to him.

Mr Y: WHAT BABY?????

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Teaching Mr Y

Okay so Mr Y went out and got his Learners Driving Licence. Him, having never driven before I was a little reluctant to take him out. I have only been driving since 2004 myself and though I am a teacher, it appears I might not be as good with adults. I am not quite sure about how I am supposed to teach him but I think we are getting better.

The first time I took him in the car, it was on a public holiday in a deserted carpark. It involved mainly a little gasping (not in the good way), holding on to the dash board and 'umm curb', 'umm pole'. This made him state that he can not possibly drive and look at the same time...I foresee some problems.

The second time I let him drive out onto the side streets. Much better...until he decided that "BRAKE" was not specific enough in directions. I shouted, for the first time...though maybe not my finest point...I was scared and I think that is a good enough defence. This time it did end up in an argument and it seemed we weren't even arguing about the same thing.

The third time...Today.

Much Much Better. We decided on a few code words to remind him to actually 'Check your blind spot honey' became "BS!". I am never allowed to shout apparently even if we are careening towards a fence/curb/dog/person. I am to say calmly that maybe just perhaps he may want to brake. We'll see how that works out.

I have to give credit where it is due. For a person who has never driven before to improve so fast, is amazing. I'm really happy for him, could even say proud.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Another Saturday

Mr Y woke up this morning and was determined to do something. He jumped onto the computer and checked out 'The List'. It's a list of places to go and things to do in Adelaide that I collected, since he was very new to town.

Where did we end up???

A Medical Centre that is open on Saturdays....this isn't normal so the whole population of Adelaide was there. The wait wasn't terrible though, so I guess we were lucky.

I have tonsilitis. Yay!

He is so very good when I am sick. He has made me tea and made sure I was taking my tablets, checked my temperature and when I called my mum he made sure to tell her he was taking care of me and that my fever was under control.

Right now he has adventured outside to walk to Hungry Jacks (Burger King...for all those who aren't on Australian shores). It is rather cold and possibly will rain any minute. I can't give him total credit, he is probably hungry himself.

He has been great though. I am probably not as nice to him when he is sick, however he can be a little pitiful when he's sick. =)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Another good reason to be in a relationship...

We went to a BBQ recently for lunch. It was 2 of my friend's birthdays so we decided that we would have lunch to celebrate. Each of us said we would bring a salad and I was designated potato salad maker, completely unfairly..I wasn't even there when it was all planned. However unfair, I googled (I heard it's a verb now) 'potato salad recipe'. I have been a potato salad eater for a very long time, but generally someone else had made it or it came in a lovely plastic container from Woolworths.
So, I printed off two different recipes and armed with these, Mr Y and I hit the shops. I had every intention of buying the mayo and putting in all sorts of herbs, but down the same aisle in a pretty little jar was 'Potato Salad Dressing', so we cheated. I came home, boiled potatoes and so I didn't feel totally useless I diced one red onion to put in the salad. It looked really good and a taste test, well it was indeed a potato salad.
I was pretty satisfied with it but driving to my friend's house I suddenly thought what if no one eats the salad? I didn't want my salad to look bad, so I leaned over to Mr Y and told him that he was responsible for eating the bowl or at least half of the bowl of my potato salad. And so he didn't feel that the idea was totally ridiculous, I gave him the name of my salad buddy. He laughed at me.


Mr Y must be getting very bored at home during the day. Everytime I come home there is another box packed and I have no idea what is in it. He has been pretty good putting labels on most boxes but I can't pinpoint where anything is.

I am pretty excited to be moving but I have no idea where to begin. There is only 2 rooms but about 6 rooms worth of crap.