We were just on dessert when my friend of 15 years leans over and passes me this little white piece of paper. I open it up and there is this little black and white 'ink blot' shall we say, that resembles a baby. Well I was so excited, another friend of mine is having a baby. Due in January, which means a hot summer pregnancy, so I feel for the girl but I am so happy for her.
Well until we hear her lovely story about the ultra sound.
Apparently she did not know she had to drink plenty of water before it, so the doctor had to take the picture in another, more creative way. I wish that these were the words she used, however we were lucky enough to hear graphic details.
Mr Y is now of course worried that I will be pushing for a baby. Is it so hard to believe that I am really happy for my friends who are pregnant and not actually want a little bundle of my own...yet?